Gluteal Implants

Gluteal Implants

Gluteal or buttock implants are used to fill out the buttock area, specifically to augment the gluteus maximus muscle area producing a more desirable shape to the glutes. The shape of the buttocks is determined by the fullness of the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius and minimus muscles plus the angle of the lumbosacral curve at the base of the spine. Deficiency in muscle mass or in the angle of the curve of the lower spine can contribute to lack of adequate projection of the butt. Additionally, the buttocks are an area that retains some body fat which contributes to the prominence of the buttock cheeks. Frequently in their zeal for minimal body fat, many physically active people will loose the fat of the gluteal areas and find that the projection of the buttocks decreases due to this.

Balance is the key to a desirable end point. For the man or woman who is unable to achieve their idealized buttock shape, implants can be a solution.

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