Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure indeed to welcome you all to the 5th Annual meeting of the rhinoplasty society of Europe.
I would like to begin by thanking the Board of the Rhinoplasty society of Europe for electing me as the President and entrusting upon me this great responsibility. Thank you. I am both honoured and humbled to stand before you today.
The RSE has been actively building a strong scientific and educational platform for plastic surgeons, ENT and maxillofacial surgeons deeply involved in reconstructive and aesthetic nasal surgery. Our main intention has been to bring specialized members who have a strong clinical, teaching, and research interest in rhinoplasty in a common forum of mutual respect.
Our main goals are ; to exchange ideas and experiences , and at the same time educating young, budding surgeons interested in this growing field of rhinoplasty. I believe that Europe is the continent where the rhinoplasty is the most developed in the world. Here in this room there are many excellent rhinoplasty surgeons. I learned a lot of things from many of my colleagues here in this room and I enjoyed very much to share what I know with them.
Another wonderful thing of being part of this society is friendship. With being part of this society I have had an opportunity to meet many colleagues and I had too many good friends. I believe that these friendships will continue whole my life. To be a good rhinoplasty surgeon needs dedication, passionate, patience and hard working. In my opinion rhinoplasty surgeons are more humble than the other surgeons in general. I am honoured and love to be part of this society.
The foundation period was pretty difficult and painful for us. After struggling the legal problems about naming of our society, RSE have been growing rapidly. Today we have almost 200 members. I think this number will multiply within a few years. We have been organizing annual meetings and this year here in Versailles we organized IMRHIS in cooperation with U.S. Rhinoplasty Society. I would like to thank Olivier Gerbault who is one of our Board Member for his great efforts in organizing such a specific international event in such a great location.
Today, I will target on how best we can achieve success in advancing this society forwards. During my tenure as the president we will firstly aim to organize more teaching activities and increasing the membership of the society. Making more people aware of RSE, providing membership benefits and improving the education material will be the key. I think to be a member of RSE is a privilege. But we should offer more benefits to our members. Beside our annual meeting , we are planning to organize high quality teaching activities. For the young surgeons we will perform live surgery courses and cadaver workshops. Among our members there are outstanding surgeons from different disciplines. Using this advantage we will be able to provide quality education in every aspect and bridging the gap between overlapping specialities.
We have been working on our video library which will be accessed through our website only for our members. I would ask your contribution to this video library. If you have a specific technique please send us its video in order to put into the library. Again as a member benefit some of the meetings organized by our members will be discounted for the members of RSE.
Good marketing strategy will also be important, so other societies get to know about RSE and we can be ranked among the best. In my opinion, high quality educational activities we will organize is the best way for marketing of our society and will increase our visibility. I believe that RSE will continue to grow and will be the one of the leading society in the field of rhinoplasty in near future.
I will conclude by again thanking everyone for coming here, travelling long distances to be part of this meeting . I wish you all a very productive and meaningful meeting. I hope to fulfil my duties as the President in the best possible way and wish this society grows and gets more recognition.
Prof Dr Nazım Çerkeş
Aesthetic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
President / Rhinoplasty Society of Europe
Vice President / International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
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