Differences in Men’s Rhinoplasty
Number of male patients who wish to have nose surgery in order to get rid of breathing problems or correct aesthetic deformities is increaesed severely. Naturally there are some differences in male rhinoplasty operations compared to female’s.
In order to prevent feminine look in Male rhinoplasty;
- Interventions based reduction are limitted,
- Lifting of the nose tip is limitted.
- Nostrils and nasal flaring are not narrowed too much.
- Even in some patients it is preferred to leave nasal bone lightly prominent in order to maintain the natural appearance.
Nose surgery can be performed to make a straight middle cartilage of the nose and thus breathing becomes easier as well as getting rid of snoring problems.
Other News
- Poznan- Poland ISAPS Symposium
- Eurasian International Aesthetic Surgery Congress 2019
- St Petersburg Rhinoplasty Society of Europe Live Surgery Meeting
- American Aesthetic Society Meeting New Orleans
- Barcelona Rhinoplasty Live Surgery Course
- Annual Meeting of Rhinoplasty Society of Europe (RSE) Stuttgart
- American Academy Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Meeting Orlando-Florida
- Istanbul – Turkey | Bergamoist Rhinoplasty Live Surgery Course – Istanbul Florance Nightingale Hospital.
- Bremen – Germany | 2nd SOAP Meeting
- Park City – Utah U.S. | American Bresilian Aesthetic Meeting
- Moscow – Russia | ISAPS FAST(Fundemental Aesthetic Surgery Training)program
- Tehran – Iran | Global Masters Rhinoplasty Meeting