Factors Effecting Rhinoplasty Costs

Bu nedenle hastayı yakından görmeden burun ameliyatı hakkında kesin bir rakam verilememektedir.

Öte yandan özellikle İstanbul dışında yaşayan kişilere fotoğraf üzerinden de yaklaşık bir değerlendirme yapılmaktadır.

Fotoğraf Üzerinden Fiyat Değerlendirmesi Yapılabilir

0546 424 3859 numaralı cep telefonuna whatsapp üzerinden
dr@nazimcerkes.com mail adresine
tam karşıdan ve tam yandan yüksek çözünürlüklü olarak çekilmiş resimlerinizi gönderebilirsiniz.
Dr. Nazım Çerkeş fotoğraflarınızı inceleyerek bir değerlendirme yapacaktır. Yaklaşık operasyon maliyeti verecektir.

Operations that are performed just for aesthetic concepts usually takes approximately 2-3 hours and the cost is considerably lower. In persons suffering from nasal breathing problems due to curvature in the central cartilage, the surgery usually takes more than 3 hours. For patients who previously had nose surgery tissues of rib cartilage are required to reshape the nose and correct the breathing functions. This process requires much more expertise, experience and time which is average 4-5 hours, even 7-8 hours in some patients with extra ordinary deformities.

Interventions in rhinoplasty surgery varies from person to person. Some patients just require cosmetic procedures while most of the others require interventions for aesthetics and functional disorders such as breathing problems are performed simultaneously. Eventually the difficulty level and the duration of the operations varies.

In order to determine a net cost first of all the patient should be examined by the surgeon. An endoscopic examination of the nose is enough for a general evaluation.

Therefore, an exact cost can not be given without a close examination of the patient.

On the other hand, an alternative method for patients living outside of Istanbul, Turkey is through the photographs of the patient.

Please send your high resolution photographs taken from across and side to the;

WhatsApp on mobile phone number 0546 424 3859
Dr@nazimcerkes.com mail address

Dr. Nazim Cerkes will check your photos and revert with operating costs and details.