Preparations before Rhinoplasty


Belirli bir rahatsızlığı olanlar yada düzenli ilaç kullanan kişilerin muayene sırasında mutlaka belirtmesi gerekir; gerekli durumlarda ameliyattan birkaç gün öncesinde anestezi muayenesi yapılması tavsiye edilebilir.

Patients are not required to make any preparations before rhinoplasty surgery. Preoperative requested blood tests are done together with the anesthesia inspection in the morning at the hospital. There is no need for MR, CT or X-ray for rhinoplasty surgery except for the rare patients with special conditions. It is enough to examine the nose with endoscopy in order to evaluate the aesthetic and functional interventions.

Smokers should quit smoking 3 weeks prior to the surgery. Drugs diluting blood (Aspirin) should not be used before the operation.

Patients with a specific disease and regular drug users should specify their situations during the examination. During the examination of persons using a particular disease or those who need regular medication necessarily specify. An anesthesia examination may be requested a few days before the operation in case necessary.