What to expect after nose surgery?
Rhinoplasty surgery is the most sensitive and precise surgery performed in the human body. However, the healing and recovery period is very easy and comfortable for the patient. Due that the process area is very small almost no pain is felt. Post-operative bruising and swelling may depend on the patient’s nasal structure and the surgeon’s precise work. As seen in the adjacent photo the swelling and bruising are not very significant in the patients operated by Prof. Dr. Nazim Cerkes.
The swelling and bruising occurred a few hours after the surgery comes to the maximum within 48 hours. The bruises completely heal within 4 or 5 days, thin plastic mold over the nose is removed on the 6th day and after 3 days with a thin plaster patient will be completely healed after 9 days as if never operated. Self-dissolving stitches will be gone without any attempt.
Since Prof. Dr. Nazim Cerkes does not place plug inside the nose patients can breath through their noses even immediately after the surgery. There will only be a slight nasal congestion due to the edema.
After removing the bandages in 6th day of the surgery, Dr. Cerkes will keep to see his patients periodically to keep track and photo the development but no more intervention will be necessary.
Patients are required not to wear glasses and to swim in pools (swim in sea is OK but with care for using protective creams for direct sun light). It is required to wiat for 2 months before starting sportive efforts.
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