Usage of rib cartilage in revision rhinoplasty operations All interventions during rhinoplasty are performed on the bone and the cartilage tissues. It is impossible to... 01.09.2015
Rhinoplasty Surgery = Social Adaptatıion + Individual Success + Self-confidence Rhinoplasty operation is always considered for its aesthetic and functional benefits. It is one of the leadiin... 01.09.2015
Rhinoplasty in Summer Time? Healing period is exteremely easy for the patients after functional or aesthetical nose surgery. Patients gene... 03.09.2015
Preparations before Rhinoplasty Belirli bir rahatsızlığı olanlar yada düzenli ilaç kullanan kişilerin muayene sırasında mutlaka belirtmesi g... 08.09.2015
Specific nose design compatible with the face It is one of most important factors such that patient’s post-operative expectations to be compatible with the... 08.09.2015
Factors Effecting Rhinoplasty Costs Bu nedenle hastayı yakından görmeden burun ameliyatı hakkında kesin bir rakam verilememektedir. Öte yandan öze... 09.09.2015
Differences in Men’s Rhinoplasty Number of male patients who wish to have nose surgery in order to get rid of breathing problems or correct aes... 08.09.2015
2015 – 2016 Aesthetics Season Begins Temperatures are still very high as in summer however calendars are showing the September. As Cosmed Clinic fa... 09.09.2015
What to expect after nose surgery? Rhinoplasty surgery is the most sensitive and precise surgery performed in the human body. However, the healin... 09.09.2015